
Wednesday 28 September 2011

Online Dating; The Good, The Bad.

Every minute of the day, thousands if not millions are very busy Over the internet trying to find true love.
But can one really find it online?
That’s the question we must have an answer to. Since the advent of internet there have been several websites created for dating escapades.
These site ranges from one drive to the other, giving out services and information, arranging meetings, Chat rooms and so on. Very many people have found it pretty easier to search and get men and woman, boys and girls of their choice just at a click of a button. Entering into online relationship is presently gotten by the use of such terms and languages as:
“I am a man searching for a 25 years single lady In the US or UK”.

Some of these reliable dating sites include:

Just to mention but a few.

More so, it has become easier to make numerous friends by sending request and in most cases positive results are acquired while on the contrary, it leaves some with great regret of having ventured into online dating at all.
Before the internet came on board, dating is more critical offline as the shy could not achieve their goal. More of the talking is carried out facially, one on one, eye ball to eyeball. 

Some of the shy type even find it easier to send a friend to toss on their behalf, and in most cases, the one sent on an errand turns out to eat the fish made for the keeps. The resultant effect is hatred, malice and at times killing of a friend out of jealous and betrayal.

The internet also has brought to humanity an easy approach to date and make uncountable friends without hassle. It is quite amazing that the Internet can be turned to a matter of the heart, a place where love and affection is shown on a well compose web pages and chat. The Internet has created a room to acquire knowledge and skills to meet with Single Girls, Chart with them and build a solid relationship without fear of being rejected.

 In addition, it does not matter where you come from. Online dating is free for everybody no matter the Race, Color and Language. Your country is not a barrier because most of the language “spinning” is carried out online.
 There are  some good international dating sites that give you the opportunity to date and also teach you some important strategies to win your date and make love. Such websites have products that can teach on:

How To Find Your Perfect Partner ,

How To Make Love With Your Partner ,

Ways To Locate The Girl You Need In Your Area , 

 How To Match With Your Dream Girl.
You see? Dating online is now a great chance and opportunity for all to increase financial status. The amazing thing is that the sites are free to join.

The question one must ask is this: Does Online Dating and Friendship really work?

Let’s take for instance FriendFinder. 
In this site, there is Adult, Asian, Spanish, French friends to find. It has over one million of surfers monthly. In this site you can chat and create a long lasting online relationship. You can also make some money through their referral program. It also created rooms for advertisers to showcase their offer by giving out your profile to friends who may need your assistance.
Truly Online Dating is the easiest and fastest way to make friends.

Having seen the above discussion concerning dating online, let us look at some “Goods” in a nut shell;

  • It Is A Place Of Convenient For The Shy:
Most people prefer online dating because of shyness. Truly, to be frank, even the most shy person can kick start a relationship online. There is no fear of meeting one on one except when the dance to the tune of the music changes. But it will not be much because the duos must have created an atmosphere of longing to meet each other.

  • Online Dating Is For The Mature:
Dating online is not for kids as many would thought, but for the mature people of clean mind. It is no food for the dogs. For me, Online Dating is for Gentle men and Ladies who are serious. The rate of seriousness can be measured by their mutual sacrifice and contribution. There is always a sharing of ideas that benefits each other.
  • You Can Make Many Friends Within The Shortest Time:
Another advantage of online dating is the tendency of meeting lots of people in a relatively short time. In other words, it saves time and energy to make huge friends who are eager to assist, share and maintain the pledge you have for one another.

  • You Have The Right To Choice:
Online dating offers a room for focused search. You can "screen out" the people you definitely are not interested in, based on the information available online. You are left to select whom you want to date online with. It’s never a situation of being under duress. 

  • No harmful Effect Of Being Rejected:

While dating offline, there is always the fear of being rejected most especially to the shy type. On the other hand rejection affects you less online than when it happens "face to face".

  • Dating Online Is Enjoyable And Brings Exposure.
It can be very addictive and you can end up spending many hours a day in front of your computer doing nothing else than looking for a date. You never want to quit until you complete all the spinning.

  • It Is An Opportunity To Make Life Sweet:

I don’t know about you. Money answers all things. Most Online dating site offers you an opportunity to make money just by bringing in people to their site. What a great privilege to make life sweeter. When you have money, you can buy estate, car and get yourself some holidays in Paris.

You can join as an affiliate to these sites and start promoting to earn steady flow of income;

If I begin to mention the advantages of dating online over the disadvantages, this space will not contain it at all.

Online dating cannot be compared to relationships offline because staying online means connected to the entire world. You are free to make a useful decision, avoid the scam and have friends sitting beside you during online dating.

 Nevertheless, online dating also has some “Bads” too as listed below:

  • Fear Of Insecurity:
I came across a question asked by a young lady at Web Answer. She was not too sure of the man she fell in love with. The incessant online chatting of her man with other female competitors left her so desperate to seek solutions.
But I want to assure you that one can feel very secure dating online.

  • Cultural  Barrier.
Even at the smoothest and sweetest dating that has transpired, the issue of culture can hinder it from yielding to the end. The case of  De Vries (From Holland) who had a blissful relationship with a Japanese lady. The parents refused to let go except for their fellow country man.
This alone thwarted the relationship. Therefore, there is a big chance that your family and friends will not approve nor understand when and why you are dating someone online.

  • Fear of the Unknown:
There are uncountable surfers online on daily basis. Internet was created or invented to acquire or sell products and services (information).

But some unscrupulous entities have turned it into an avenue for quick dupe because the truth is in most cases hidden. Also the one you are Dating with may not be familiar with you and that’s where another level of fear came to play.
Since the internet is so wide, you may or may not know whom you are in relationship with online. So there must be an atom of fear of the unknown. "Scammers" have turn  Dating sites as an avenue to lie to friends just to get what they want.

Yet there are good Online Dating Sites for you to join without being Scammed.I have listed a good number of them in this blog.

  • Fear of Impersonation:
This is the most area that shock me most. Men are answering female names and vice versa.
Yes, this is true! I
have come across a guy using the name of a woman to signup in one of the social sites. Then how are we sure we’ve not been relating with someone of the same sex.
What a great disappointment to most guys who are seriously in search of a lady of their dream.

  •  Fear of Disappointment:
You might ask yourself this question, how can this be ?

OK, let me give you an instance of what happened. A friend of mine named Pius saw a beautiful picture of a lady on facebook. He got attracted and initiated a relationship. Their Dating transpired into the point of getting Married.Obviously, I warned Pius, telling him to book a meeting offline first, but he kept to deaf ear.
The wedding date was fixed without seeing the would be “bride” in question.
Well, I think that’s his own cup of tea.  I mean some people could be crazy about love. Be that as it may, the “D” day was fixed, and lots of surprises and disappointments ensued.
The officiating Pastor waited till he got soaked with sweat inside his regalia.
I bet you, up till now, no one can tell what the problem was though I finally found  that Pius trusted and depended on the beautiful face.
He never cared to know if this person was real or fake, disappointment was the end result that keeps my friend to perpetual fear for women.
But trust me. My counsel made him well. To run away from disappointments, you can join sites that you can never regret. Truly, you can be dating and earning great revenue.

Finally, the strong will never be afraid of battle. Despite of some bad or ugly attributes of having a date online, I believe there are still trusted sites which has a way of scrutinizing and eradicating the bad eggs living the good only.

Absolute care and protection must not be under rated. See My article on Play Safe As You Date Online

Truly you can enjoy as you make uncountable friends online.
